•   To apply for your National Engineering Diploma you need 12 subjects on N4 to N6 levels and appropriate practical experience.
  •    For Example : 4 N4 subjects + 4 N5 subjects + 4 N6 subjects = 12 subjects or
  •    Alternatively: 5 N4 subjects + 4 N5 subjects + 3 N6 subjects = 12 subjects.
  •    2 Subjects MUST be taken on all 3 levels & MUST be relevant to your field of expertise (electrical or mechanical)
  •    In case you want to study by correspondence, you will have to pay the amount required in order to dispatch your reading materials.
  •    Also details of the examination registration and deadline will be communicated to you.
  •   When making payments you will use the bank details on this page.
  •    Complete application form in full
  •    Two (2) certified copies of letter from your company, or
  •    Two (2) certified copies of trade certificate. NB: If you have a trade certificate you must also attach a letter from your company
  •   Two (2) certified copies of your SA ID
  •   Two (2) certified copies of your N4 certificate
  •   Two (2) certified copies of your N5 certificate
  •   Two (2) certified copies of your N6 certificate.
  •   Two (2) certified copies of your N6 statement of results if N6 certificate is not yet issued.
Specification for EMPLOYER’S letter:
Original letter on an official leeterhead from the candidates employer. Specific dates (day, month, year) of commencement and termination of services e.g. 01 January 2003 to 10 May 2006, as proof that the candidate completed his two years (2670 hours) appropriate practical experience, relevant to his N6 instructional offerings, is required. All modules must be clearly indicated on the letter. Alternatively, an original certified copy of a trade test certificate will also be accepted. The letter must also contain a precise description of the type of work performed or experience obtained during the specified period.

Why Taal-Net Training Institute

Study the Taal -Net way is the flexible, accessible way to brush up on your skills, advance your career and realize your dreams. Taal-Net International makes it easier for you. You will also have access to individual attention from qualified tutors and other support staff.

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